Cancel culture is the hype, among low-live ‘’woke’’ millennials and Gen Z. It’s the latest trend in the virtual world, where people can CANCEL other people’s lives with just a single tweet or post. Cancel culture is not just a hobby; it’s a ‘’lifestyle’’.
Cancel culture is the perfect way to show your ”superiority”. You can cancel someone for anything, from saying something ‘’offensive’’ to simply having a different opinion. It’s like playing God on social media, and nothing feels more empowering than deciding who is worthy of being canceled. Why do all this you may ask? Because it’s way easier to judge people on TWITTER than actually do something productive!
The woke mob has tried to cancel celebrities such as Kanye West, J.K. Rowling, Dave Chapelle, Eminem, Kevin Hart, Ellen DeGeneres, Doja Cat, DaBaby, Tyler The Creator, and many more. Some careers have been affected HEAVILY by cancel culture and some have not.
Cancel culture is an excellent way to get likes and followers. Nothing attracts more ATTENTION than a juicy cancelation tweet or post. Just imagine how many LIKES AND FOLLOWERS you’ll get when you cancel someone famous.
Cancel culture is the perfect way to feel powerful, get attention, avoid conversations, and avoid personal growth. So, let’s keep CANCELING people and live in our comfortable, little echo chambers. After all, who needs diverse opinions and free speech when we can just cancel everyone who DISAGREES with us?