

Get readyready forfor somethingsomething stupidstupid

Get readyready forfor somethingsomething stupidstupid

The Youth’s Unhealthy Obsession With 2016!

It seems that the youth of today have become completely OBSESSED with the year 2016. Everything seems to revolve around this mythical period. Did Jesus Christ return that year?  Did the school system get revolutionized? No, none of that shit happened! It’s just a bunch of young internet people acting like boomers talking about how ‘’GREAT’’ it was ‘’BACK IN THOSE DAYS’’.

Harambe, Pokémon GO, Damn Daniel, 2016 XXL Freshman, Vine, Suicide Squad, Dab, Water Bottle Challenge, the killer clown epidemic, and Donald Trump being elected as the president United States of America. We get it! It was for sure a ‘’MEMORABLE’’ year.

But it was also a year where people died, became very ill, had car accidents, lost friends or family members, break-ups, you name it all. Horrible stuff! It’s time for us to SNAP OUT OF IT and MOVE ON! Yes, 2016 was a ‘’good year’’ for some people, but it’s not like it was some sort of utopia. There were still plenty of problems and challenges, just like there are today.

Maybe it’s because 2016 was the last year before the world went completely off the rails or maybe because it’s a nice number. Regardless of the reason, it’s clear that this obsession has gone WAY TOO FAR! But who cares right? Let’s just keep living in the past and tell our grandkids about how ‘’GREAT’’ 2016 was until we are on our deathbeds!