

Get readyready forfor somethingsomething stupidstupid

Get readyready forfor somethingsomething stupidstupid

Ice Spice, Viral Hip-Hop Sensation: A New Low For Hot Garbage?

Downward-spiraling rapper Isis Gaston professionally known as Ice Cube- I mean Ice Spice is the newest and the ‘’HOTTEST’’ shit in female rap. She broke out with her ‘’hit’’ single: Munch (Feelin’ U) and it seems to be the biggest thing in Hip-Hop ever since the release of 2PAC’s legendary certified diamond album: All Eyez On Me.

The average Hip-Hop listener has moved on from notable acts such as
Lauryn Hill ever since the self-proclaimed queen Nicki Minaj put her foot in hip-hop’s ass and changed the whole landscape for female rappers, especially on how they are being viewed nowadays!

Sex sells and that is the business model that not only female rap artists exploit but female musicians from other genres as well. From Ice Spice to
Chloe Bailey AKA Gen-Z’s ghetto Beyoncé. Post a view booty pics on the gram as a rollout to promote a new single or album, pay a TikTok ‘’influencer’’ to do a stupid dance to your song, pay a few meme pages and blogs and DEFINITELY pay streaming services to keep your song in their playlist and that is how you become the new face of a genre.

But it all comes down to the fact that the average listener of Hip-Hop is quick to champion
‘’TWERK RAP’’ instead of vocals, melodies, and lyrics. Simp culture has taken over and that is why girls like Ice Spice have a platform nowadays! Is it a PRETTY PRIVILEGE or maybe even COLORISM?